
July 12

09:00 AM to 01:00 PM
09:00 AM to 01:00 PMIntroduction to Python and Programming
Matt Davis
Bayesian Data Science by Simulation
Hugo Bowne-Anderson
The Jupyter Interactive Widget Ecosystem
Matthew Craig, Itay Dafna, Martin Renou, Mariana Meireles and Youness Bennani
01:00 PM to 02:00 PM
01:00 PM to 02:00 PMBreak
02:00 PM to 06:00 PM
02:00 PM to 06:00 PMIntroduction to Numerical Computing With NumPy
Logan Thomas and Alexandre Chabot-Leclerc
HoloViz: Visualize all your data easily, from notebooks to dashboards
James A. Bednar, Philipp Rudiger and Jean-Luc Stevens
Network Analysis Made Simple
Mridul Seth

July 13

09:00 AM to 01:00 PM
09:00 AM to 01:00 PMLearn Python Through Data Processing in Pandas
Daniel Chen
Magical NumPy with JAX
Eric Ma
Fairness in AI Systems: From Social Context to Practice using Fairlearn
Triveni Gandhi, Manojit Nandi, Miro Dudík, Hanna Wallach, Michael Madaio, Hilde Weerts, Adrin Jalali and Lisa Ibañez
01:00 PM to 02:00 PM
01:00 PM to 02:00 PMBreak
02:00 PM to 06:00 PM
02:00 PM to 06:00 PMHands-On Introduction to Property-Based Testing for Science
Zac Hatfield-Dodds and Ryan Soklaski
(D)Ask me Anything About Data Analytics at Scale
Ramon Perez
Bioimage analysis fundamentals in Python
Nicholas Sofroniew


July 14

09:00 AM to 09:15 AM
09:00 AM to 09:15 AMWelcome Announcements
09:15 AM to 10:00 AM
09:15 AM to 10:00 AMKeynote: Michael Starch -- Little Helicopter, Big Data: Python’s Contributions to The First Flight on Mars
10:05 AM to 10:40 AM
10:05 AM to 10:40 AMSciPy Tools Plenary Session
10:35 AM to 10:50 AM
10:35 AM to 10:50 AMBreak
10:50 AM to 11:20 AM
10:50 AM to 11:20 AMMachine Learning & Data Science
Modern Time Series Analysis with STUMPY
Sean Law
Portable performance on multi-threaded Sparse BLAS operations with PyRSB
Michele Martone and Simone Bacchio
Data Visualization & Image Processing
Needles in the haystack: Easy interactive dashboards allowing single-point selection in billion-row datasets
Jean-Luc Stevens, Philipp Rudiger, Jon Mease and James A. Bednar
11:25 AM to 11:55 AM
11:25 AM to 11:55 AMMachine Learning & Data Science
Build and Distribute Data Science Apps with Pyodide
Michael Greminger
Monitoring Scientific Python Usage on a Supercomputer
Rollin Thomas, Laurie Stephey, Annette Greiner and Brandon Cook
Data Visualization & Image Processing
Creating advanced machine vision applications using Python and 3D depth sensing
Andrei Cozma and Dan Nechita
12:00 PM to 12:30 PM
12:00 PM to 12:30 PMMachine Learning & Data Science
Speedup your model scoring with Hummingbird
Karla Saur and Matteo Interlandi
Building the NetworkX developer community
K. Jarrod Millman
Data Visualization & Image Processing
Plotting is easy, Graphics Acceleration is hard: Let’s do Videos instead!
Sebastian M. Ernst
12:30 PM to 01:15 PM
12:30 PM to 01:15 PMBreak
01:15 PM to 01:45 PM
01:15 PM to 01:45 PMMachine Learning & Data Science
Natural Language Processing with Pandas DataFrames
Frederick Reiss
A Review of Linear Programming for Python
Nicholas McKibben, Dayton Hoffmann and Matt Haberland
Data Visualization & Image Processing
Light Up Your Data with Streamlit
Thomas Fan
01:50 PM to 02:20 PM
01:50 PM to 02:20 PMMachine Learning & Data Science
Practical approaches for efficient hyperparameter optimization with Oríon
Xavier Bouthillier and Yonggang Hu
Building SciPy Kernels with Pythran
Serge Guelton and Ralf Gommers
Data Visualization & Image Processing
cuCIM - A GPU image I/O and processing library
Gregory Lee, Gigon Bae, Benjamin Zaitlen, John Kirkham and Rahul Choudhury
02:25 PM to 02:55 PM
02:25 PM to 02:55 PMMachine Learning & Data Science
dame-flame: A Python Library For Interpretable Matching for Causal Inference
Neha Gupta, Sudeepa Roy, Cynthia Rudin and Alexander Volfovsky
A Tour of Property-Based Testing: how I find bugs with the scientific method
Zac Hatfield-Dodds
Data Visualization & Image Processing
Data Visualization as The First and Last Mile of Data Science: Plotly Express and Dash
Nicolas Kruchten
03:00 PM to 04:00 PM
03:00 PM to 04:00 PMLightning Talks
04:00 PM to 04:10 PM
04:00 PM to 04:10 PMBreak: Move to Gather.Town
04:10 PM to 05:10 PM
04:10 PM to 05:10 PMBoF
PyOpenSci: Building A Diverse Community Around Peer Reviewed, Tested and Well-Documented Open Source Python Software
Leah Wasser and David Nicholson
How to Give a Lightning Talk
Tracy Teal
Python Data Visualization
Jim Bednar and Thomas Caswell
Python in Aerospace and Astronomy
Aman Goel and Shreya Malviya
05:10 PM to 06:00 PM
05:10 PM to 06:00 PMNetworking Sessions
Leadership in open source
Melissa Weber Mendonça
Networking Sessions
Documentation: make it happen
Juan Luis Cano Rodríguez
Networking Sessions
Funding Open Source Work
Inessa Pawson

July 15

09:00 AM to 09:15 AM
09:00 AM to 09:15 AMWelcome Announcements
09:15 AM to 10:00 AM
09:15 AM to 10:00 AMKeynote: Dr. Raychelle Burks -- Community, Computing, and Chemistry
10:05 AM to 10:40 AM
10:05 AM to 10:40 AMSciPy Tools Plenary Session
10:35 AM to 10:50 AM
10:35 AM to 10:50 AMBreak
10:50 AM to 11:20 AM
10:50 AM to 11:20 AMPhysics & Astronomy
Conformal mapping with sympy: Towards python-driven analytical modelling in physics
Zoufine Lauer-Bare
Biology & Neuroscience
Discovering directed transport of RNA in skeletal muscle by 3D microscopy image analysis and Markov chain simulation
Chase Kelley, Lance Denes and Eric Wang
Computational Social Science & Digital Humanities
Event Flow: a workflow to examine the interplay between events and the flow of information in historical newspapers
Melvin Wevers
11:25 AM to 11:55 AM
11:25 AM to 11:55 AMPhysics & Astronomy
Distributed statistical inference with pyhf powered by funcX
Matthew Feickert, Lukas Heinrich, Giordon Stark and Ben Galewsky
Biology & Neuroscience
Scaling Science: leveraging Dask for life sciences
Genevieve Buckley
Computational Social Science & Digital Humanities
Visualizing Intersectionality using Python
Laura K. Nelson
12:00 PM to 12:30 PM
12:00 PM to 12:30 PMPhysics & Astronomy
Accelerating Spectroscopic Data Processing Using Python and GPUs on NERSC Supercomputers
Daniel Margala, Laurie Stephey, Stephen Bailey and Rollin Thomas
Biology & Neuroscience
ROUNDTABLE: Biology & Neuroscience
Computational Social Science & Digital Humanities
Telling the Tale: Narratives and Emotional Intensity in Political Texts
Elliott Ash
12:35 PM to 01:05 PM
12:35 PM to 01:05 PMPhysics & Astronomy
ROUNDTABLE: Physics & Astronomy - State of the Field: Sustainable Software and Community
Madicken Munk, Stuart Mumford, and Jim Pivarski
Biology & Neuroscience
ROUNDTABLE: Biology & Neuroscience
Computational Social Science & Digital Humanities
What is Feminist Data Science?
Lauren F. Klein
01:05 PM to 01:50 PM
01:05 PM to 01:50 PMDiversity Keynote: Dr. Theresa Tanenbaum -- Advocating for Trans Inclusive Name Change Policies and Practices in Academic Publishing
01:50 PM to 02:20 PM
01:50 PM to 02:20 PMGeneral
signac: Data Management and Workflows for Computational Researchers
Bradley Dice, Brandon Butler and Sharon C. Glotzer
Defeat obscure file formats with Parsita
David Hagen
Computational Social Science & Digital Humanities
Agent-based modelling for studying the past
Izabela Anna Romanowska
02:25 PM to 02:55 PM
02:25 PM to 02:55 PMGeneral
Fuzzy environments for the perturbation, evaluation, and application of numerical uncertainty via Monte Carlo Arithmetic in the scientific Python ecosystem
Gregory Kiar, Yohan Chatelain, Ali Salari, Eric Petit, Pablo de Oliveira Castro and Tristan Glatard
Performance Analysis with Timemory
Jonathan Madsen
Multithreaded parallel Python through OpenMP support in Numba.
Tim Mattson and Todd Anderson
03:00 PM to 04:00 PM
03:00 PM to 04:00 PMLightning Talks
04:00 PM to 04:10 PM
04:00 PM to 04:10 PMBreak: Move to Gather.Town
04:10 PM to 05:10 PM
04:10 PM to 05:10 PMBoF
Diversity Success Stories in Open Source
Carol Willing, Celia Cintas
The Challenges of Gathering Machine Learning-ready Data
Thomas Y. Chen, Luke Houtz
Visual Studio Code for Data Scientists
Paige Bailey, Claudia Regio
Python in Finance
Anshika Rajiv, Arnav Rajiv
05:10 PM to 06:00 PM
05:10 PM to 06:00 PMNetworking Sessions
Future of Work: is remote the answer?
Charles Stern
Networking Sessions
To PhD or not to PhD
David Nicholson, Paul Anzel
Networking Sessions
Let’s talk about burnout
May Ireland

July 16

09:00 AM to 09:15 AM
09:00 AM to 09:15 AMWelcome Announcements
09:15 AM to 10:00 AM
09:15 AM to 10:00 AMKeynote: Dr. Fernando Perez -- SciPy and open source tools in science: successes and the challenges ahead
10:05 AM to 10:35 AM
10:05 AM to 10:35 AMMachine Learning & Data Science
The need for serverless Python
Stephanie Wang
Earth, Ocean, Geo, & Atmospheric Science
Using Python to Measure Seismic Silences and Bring Geoscience Projects to Students during COVID19 Lockdown
Artash Nath
Scaling Python and ML with Ray | pybind11
Robert Nishihara | Henry F. Schreiner
10:35 AM to 10:50 AM
10:35 AM to 10:50 AMBreak
Towards data science for all: making JupyterLab accessible
Ajax Telamonian
10:50 AM to 11:20 AM
10:50 AM to 11:20 AMMachine Learning & Data Science
PyNNDescent: Fast Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search with Numba
Leland Mcinnes
Earth, Ocean, Geo, & Atmospheric Science
Predicting the economic impact of COVID-19 using real-time images from space
Nataraj Dasgupta
What's New in Matplotlib | A year in Spyder development: New debugger, user interface and API
Hannah Aizenman | Carlos Cordoba
11:25 AM to 11:55 AM
11:25 AM to 11:55 AMMachine Learning & Data Science
EELSpecNet: A Deep Learning Solution for Spectral Deconvolution of Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy in Python
S. Shayan Mousavi M., Alexandre Pofelski and Gianluigi A. Botton
Earth, Ocean, Geo, & Atmospheric Science
It's Time for the Atmospheric Science Community to ACT Together
Adam Theisen
Adopting typing in scientific projects | Pandera: towards better testing tools for data science and machine learning
Colin Carroll & Predrag Gruevski | Niels Bantilan
12:00 PM to 12:30 PM
12:00 PM to 12:30 PMMachine Learning & Data Science
Learning spatial similarity using a generative model on map data
Hayley Song
Earth, Ocean, Geo, & Atmospheric Science
Ocetrac: morphological image processing for monitoring ocean temperature extremes
Hillary Scannell, Luanne Thompson, Daniel Whitt, David John Gagne and Ryan Abernathey
12:30 PM to 01:15 PM
12:30 PM to 01:15 PMBreak
Panel Discussion
01:15 PM to 01:45 PM
01:15 PM to 01:45 PMData Visualization & Image Processing
Scaling up Python for Geo with Distributed Computing
Brendan Collins
Earth, Ocean, Geo, & Atmospheric Science
Python Framework to ease access to Climate and Weather Data in Machine Learning
Baudouin Raoult and Stephan Siemen
Panel Discussion
01:50 PM to 02:20 PM
01:50 PM to 02:20 PMData Visualization & Image Processing
itkwidgets: Interactive Web-based 3D and 2D Spatial Visualization for Python
Matthew McCormick
Earth, Ocean, Geo, & Atmospheric Science
Intelligent irrigation management using crop-models, optimization and machine learning
Thomas Kelly and Timothy Foster
Panel Discussion
02:25 PM to 02:55 PM
02:25 PM to 02:55 PMData Visualization & Image Processing
Big data, low effort: out-of-core visualization with the napari image viewer
Draga Doncila Pop
Earth, Ocean, Geo, & Atmospheric Science
Deep Learning with Python for Natural Disaster Relief from Satellite Imagery
Thomas Chen
Panel Discussion
03:00 PM to 04:00 PM
03:00 PM to 04:00 PMLightning Talks
04:00 PM to 04:10 PM
04:00 PM to 04:10 PMBreak: Move to Gather.Town
04:10 PM to 05:10 PM
04:10 PM to 05:10 PMBoF
SciPy 2022
Jon Guyer, Corran Webster
How to Sprint
Tania Allard, Juan Nunez-Iglesias, Jacob Deppen
PyTorch Applications for Real-World Solutions
Thomas Y. Chen
Time-to-event modeling in Python
Brian Kent
06:00 PM to 10:00 PM
06:00 PM to 10:00 PMSciPy 2021 Mentored Sprints -- APAC Time Zones
Tania Allard, Juan Nunez-Iglesias


July 17

05:00 AM to 09:00 AM
05:00 AM to 09:00 AMSciPy 2021 Mentored Sprints - European Time Zones
Tania Allard, Juan Nunez-Iglesias, Jacob Deppen, Joe Lucas
11:00 AM to 03:00 PM
11:00 AM to 03:00 PMSciPy 2021 Mentored Sprints -- American Time Zones
Tania Allard, Jacob Deppen, Joe Lucas

July 18

09:00 AM to 05:00 PM
09:00 AM to 05:00 PMSciPy 2021 Sprints